Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Day 2: Lost 2 pounds!

I went for a weigh in today and I have lost 2 pounds since Saturday! YEAH! I know, I know, its probably just water, but that's okay!

Went grocery shopping tonight and bought some yummy healthy food. I tried to get as much organic as possible. People swear by it so I am giving it a chance. However, it is expensive to be healthy...just saying!

So today started off a little difficult. The kids has french toast for breakfast. I LOVE the school's french toast. I was very tempted so I asked Lynn, another teacher, to talk me out of it and she did. She also came later to check if I was eating it. Thanks Lynn :)

So besides the french toast everything was smooth. I will post my food journal next.

I am joining the YMCA with Danielle tomorrow. Wish me luck! lol

1 comment:

  1. No french toast! You don't need it! :c)
